Adolescents, Young Adults, & Young Professionals

Teens with ADD/ADHD or other mental health, social and emotional issues are often just wrung out from working with the tutors, doctors, coaches, and teachers who help them.

They can be hopeless, angry, or lost. School performance falters, and many reject parental guidance and engage in risky behavior. Some teens are isolated, others drawn towards negative peer influences.

Therapeutic coaching sessions here help troubled adolescents develop strategies to improve self esteem, cope, get comfort and make steps towards a balanced, more positive  life.

These approaches capitalize on the older child’s ability to reflect on and modify behavior creatively.

Take your child’s depression, change of behavior,  social and mental health concerns seriously.

Young professionals are caught in the midst of a professional, personal, and financial turmoil today which differs from previous generations. Striving for independence, twenty to thirty year olds need practical input and support as they transition fully into adulthood.

Sessions will offer young men and women insightful tools to smooth the practical and unexpected emotional hurdles of transitioning from student to employee, dependent child/student to independent adult.